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Global Visions > Blog > Democracy as a Comprehensive Approach to Organizing Society

Democracy as a Comprehensive Approach to Organizing Society

Max Tallberg

In my previous blog post, I highlighted democracy’s relationship approach to the exercise of power. While this is likely still the core element people associate with democracy, it encompasses much more. Democracy is also fundamentally tied to the values it promotes, as well as the various institutions that sustain its vitality. Together, these elements shape democracy into a comprehensive approach of organizing society. In this blog post, I will focus particularly on this broader perspective.

From a historical perspective, democracy can be seen as a reaction to autocracy—a system of absolute power that, until the Enlightenment, was the predominant form of governance in the world. While autocracy could ensure peace and order, it often did so at the expense of personal freedoms. Democracy, in contrast, offers both: personal freedom and a society governed by order, achieving a balance between the two. However, this balance is constantly shifting. Adding equality to this equation makes the relationship even more complex. Perfect freedom often leads to sharp inequality, which is also undesirable in a democratic society, especially in terms of societal functionality. This balance, along with its associated values, also requires the inclusion of social justice, freedom of expression, the prevention of abuses of power, security, opportunities for individual growth, and the rule of law. Respect for human rights is also an essential component of democracy.

Thus, we see that democracy is underpinned by many key values, and their interplay makes democracy a multifaceted system—one that can also generate challenging questions and difficult choices. However, safeguarding all these values requires more than just the criteria I outlined in my previous post. Similarly, citizens’ ability to make sound, fact-based decisions grounded in good values depends on numerous societal institutions that, when functioning effectively, make democracy an even more comprehensive approach to societal issues. 

Availability of Factual Information

Access to truthful information is the first and perhaps most critical element for a functioning democracy. Accurate, fact-based information enables citizens to make responsible and rational voting decisions. This also empowers citizens to monitor those in power and ensure that politicians make decisions aligned with the wishes of the voters who elected them. The dynamic between the press and those in power is, in many democracies, vital. At the same time, the media can oversee the judiciary and plays a decisive role in organizing fair elections. In this context, it is crucial that the media remains independent, free from the control of government or private interests. The media must also promote the common good while providing a platform for diverse voices and perspectives.

An Independent Judiciary and Functioning Education system

A functioning and independent judiciary is another cornerstone of a healthy democracy. It ensures that all citizens are subject to the same rules, including the wealthy and powerful. The judiciary’s role is to resolve legal disputes and address questions related to the interpretation, defense, and application of the law. Thus, the judiciary plays a significant role in upholding societal values, particularly the rights of minorities and especially during politically unstable times. For example, it can limit the power of authoritarian leaders. However, this requires the judiciary’s independence and freedom, even in relation to the legislative and executive branches, which it oversees to ensure fair elections and smooth transitions of power.

A functioning education system is integral to democracy and can also be considered a human right, especially since it enables the realization of other human rights. From a broader perspective, education supports a functional society, both socially and economically. Through education, societies pass down their traditions, norms, values, culture, and ideals to future generations. These elements simultaneously strengthen and entrench democracy and its governance systems. This creates a society that is dynamic and evolving, enabling positive societal development driven by citizens. Alongside these institutions, a functional and active civil society also plays a crucial role in reinforcing democracy.


United Nations: Democracy


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