We are the Global Visions ry association

Welcome to the Global Visions ry association website. We are an association founded in Helsinki with the aim of bringing people and organisations together and developing ideas aimed at building a better world.

We believe in the power of constructive conversation.

A just world is one in which all people have an equal opportunity to live a good life.

Participate our events and join us in making the world a better place.

Become a member

By joining us, you are helping to build a better world. You will be able to develop the activities of Global Visions ry with us, and to participate in the discussion we have raised.

Our mission: A better world.

Our mission is to create a global community focused on how to make the world a better place. If our community is large enough and there is sufficient consensus among us on the means that we have put forward, then there is a good chance that the changes that our community is advocating will actually be achieved.


What is Democracy?

By Max Tallberg When examining what constitutes a good society, certain fundamental questions inevitably arise—whether viewed from a historical, contemporary, or future perspective. These questions

Participate in the conversation

Join the forum and participate in the discussion! Let’s think together about ways to make the world a better place for all of us.