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Global Visions > Blog > Today’s political actions must be global

Today’s political actions must be global

Max Tallberg

The modern human lives in a world where different things are increasingly interconnected. Globalisation is a concept that describes this phenomenon. Things that used to be unrelated are now part of the same world we share. Policies should also be global, but this is not the case in today’s world. Almost the only thing that is not global in today’s world is democracy. At the same time, however, it is self-evident that in a globalised world there must be common rules for everyone. A globalist is a name for someone who thinks that the world should be organised in a way that benefits all people. I believe that the world of the future should belong to globalists—or make us all one.

It is also fair and equal that political decisions apply equally to all citizens of the world. Everyone should therefore have an equal political position: the same benefits, rights, and obligations. However, this would require a level of global cooperation that is not yet in place in today’s world. Likewise, global democracy would be the best way of organising the societies of the world, even if democracy should be constantly refined. In today’s world however, there is no global democracy. In fact, there is the opposite of that, at least when it comes to international relations: they are characterised by anarchy, as Alexander Wendt has described today’s international condition. There are no commonly agreed rules for dealings between countries. The leaders of the major countries meet each other in summits independently of the rest of the world. Decisions on masses of people therefore are made behind closed doors, without listening to the concerns and wishes of the average person, not to mention making decisions that genuinely benefit everyone. At the same time many decisions, both national and international, depend on global political arrangements that no one controls.

What is necessary then, is to take control of globalisation—as well as global politics as a whole—at an international level. Today, the only solution that a single country can make is to curl up with itself, for example by increasing protectionism. This is a far from the perfect solution, but it is the only one. At Global Visions ry association, we therefore propose that by agreeing on things together, the best possible world will be created. It also means making globalisation a servant, not a master. However, achieving such a situation requires common rules and global cooperation. The democratic welfare state is the model of society that should prevail in each of the world’s nations. Ideally, any political action that weakens the international competitive position of an individual country should also be globally implemented. This is not only necessary for the preservation of many good things, but also morally justified. The aim of Global Visions ry is to work together to uncover what such actions would be, as well as what the individual’s benefits, rights, and obligations would be—for every citizen of the world.

Works cited:

Tallberg, Max (2022). A Citizen of a New Time: A Vision of a Better World.

Wendt, Alexander. Anarchy is what States Make of it: The Social Construction of Power Politics. International Organization. Vol. 46, No. 2 (Spring, 1992), p. 391–425.


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