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Global Visions > Videot

Tältä välilehdeltä löydät videotallenteet Global Visionsin järjestämistä tapahtumista.

State of the World in 2022 (Global Visions Forum 2022)

State of the World in 2022 was a lecture held during the Global Visions Forum 2022 event by Risto Marjomaa who is a University Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki. His fields of science include the history of Africa and the Middle-East, history of conflicts and warfare, and global history. In this lecture Marjomaa discusses the state of the world in 2022 from a societal and ecological perspective, which he views as the most pressing issues today.

State of the World in 2023: a presentation

The consumption of natural resources, failures of liberal democracy, and the power struggle that can be termed as the Second Cold War are some of the central issues that the world is facing at the end of the year 2023. On December 5th Global Visions organised a public event in Helsinki where Risto Marjomaa gave a presentation on the current state of the world discussing the aforementioned themes and more.

Risto Marjomaa is a Docent and a University Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki. His fields of science include the history of Africa and the Middle-East, history of conflicts and warfare, and global history. Some of his recent publications have dealt with such topics as Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, modern racism, and the role of religion in the Sudanese civil war. In addition, Marjomaa has recently presented talks regarding the influence of imperialism and colonialism on some of the present-day armed conflicts.

State of the World in 2023: a panel discussion

How can the state of the world best be improved today, at the end of the year 2023? On December 5th Global Visions organised an event where the current state of the world was first explored in the presentation given by Risto Marjomaa and then the means of improving were are discussed in this panel discussion. Max Tallberg, the chairperson of the Global Visions Association, is joined by Antti Kauppinen and Risto Marjomaa of the University of Helsinki to discuss themes such as human rights, democracy, and the idea of a world government and more.

Basic Income Society (27th of September 2023)

On 27th of September 2023 Global Visions organised a panel discussion on the topic of a basic income society i.e. what kind of society would one be in both in practice and theory where a social security reform such as a basic income would be implemented as a permanent solution. Discussing the various angles and perspectives were Signe Jauhiainen, (Senior Reseacher at Kela), Petteri Räty (the chairperson at BIEN Finland), and Heikki Hiilamo (professor of social policy at the University of Helsinki). Max Tallberg, the chairman of Global Visions prepared the ground for the discussion and the debate was moderated by Petri Lahtinen, the project planner at Global Visions.

State of the World in 2022 (Global Visions Forum 2022)

State of the World in 2022 was a lecture held during the Global Visions Forum 2022 event by Risto Marjomaa who is a University Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki. His fields of science include the history of Africa and the Middle-East, history of conflicts and warfare, and global history. In this lecture Marjomaa discusses the state of the world in 2022 from a societal and ecological perspective, which he views as the most pressing issues today.

Introduction to universal basic income (Global Visions Forum 2022)

Petteri Räty is the chairperson of BIEN Finland (Suomen perustuloverkosto ry), that focuses on increasing discussion about UBI, advance implementation of UBI in Finland and follow international UBI initiatives. In this presentation Räty offers an in-depth overview of the concept of a universal basic income

Panel Discussion on Global Basic Income (Global Visions Forum 2022)

Risto Marjomaa, Petteri Räty and Heikki Patomäki discuss the possibilities and challenges of a universal basic income implemented as a global project. The introductory remarks for the discussion are made by the founder and chairman of Global Visions, Max Tallberg and the discussion is moderated by the project planner of the association, Petri Lahtinen.

Osallistu keskusteluun

Tule mukaan foorumille ja osallistu keskusteluun! Luodaan yhdessä globaali yhteisö ja pohditaan, miten tehdä maailmasta parempi paikka.