State of the World in 2023

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Global Visions > Tapahtuma > State of the World in 2023

State of the World in 2023

TIME: Tuesday 5th of December, 6 – 8:45 pm

PLACE: Terassilämpiö in Musiikkitalo, Mannerheimintie 13a, 00100 Helsinki


  • Introductionary words by Max Tallberg, the founder of Global Visions
  • Talk by Risto Marjomaan on the state of the world in 2023, 6:05 – 7 pm
  • Break 7 – 7:15 pm
  • Panel discussion on the state of the world in 2023 and means of improving it in the future, 7:15 – 8:45. Panelists: Risto Marjomaa, Heikki Patomäki ja Antti Kauppinen. Moderator: Petri Lahtinen

Wars such as the ones in Ukraine and Gaza as well as other latent armed conflicts around the world, various simultaneous ecological crises fueled by fossil capitalism, and the failure of liberal democracy as well as the rise of the radical far-right politics are some of the most pressing issues  the humankind as a whole is facing at the end of the year 2023. These issues should not be viewed as isolated problems but rather a complex network of phenomena responsible for some of our most urgent emergencies. To envision – let alone to pursue – a peaceful, sustainable, and just future, these issues must be addressed comprehensively, seriously and efficiently. On December 5th Global Visions will organize an event where the current state of the world is first explored and then the means of improving it are discussed.

As an introduction to the topic, Risto Marjomaa, university lecturer and docent at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki, will provide a talk on the state of the World in 2023. This is followed by a panel discussion where the topics presented by Marjomaa are discussed and the means of improving various issues are explored. In the panel discussion, Marjomaa is joined by Heikki Patomäki, professor of political science at the University of Helsinki, and Antti Kauppinen, professor of ethics and political philosophy at the University of Helsinki. The panel discussion is moderated by Petri Lahtinen, the project planner in Global Visions At the end of the discussion the audience is free to present their questions to the panelists. The event is free of charge and held in English.


Risto Marjomaa is a Docent and a University Lecturer at the Department of Philosophy, History and Art Studies at the University of Helsinki. His fields of science include the history of Africa and the Middle-East, history of conflicts and warfare, and global history. Some of his recent publications have dealt with such topics as Russia’s war of aggression on Ukraine, modern racism, and the role of religion in the Sudanese civil war. In addition, Marjomaa has recently presented talks regarding the influence of imperialism and colonialism on some of the present-day armed conflicts.

Heikki Patomäki is a Professor of World Politics (Global Political Economy) in Helsinki and a Docent at the Universities of Lapland and Turku. In addition, he is a founding member of the new Helsinki Centre for Global Political Economy (Helsinki-GPE) that was established in April 2020 and Vice Chair of the EuroMemo network for 2021-25. His latest book World Statehood develops a processual understanding of the topic through the fields of history, political philosophy, explanatory social science, and critical-reflexive futures studies.

Antti Kauppinen is a Professor of Ethics and Political Philosophy at the University of Helsinki. His research has focused on issues such as well-being, happiness, moral emotions, and the nature of normativity. From 2019 to 2023 he is the project leader of the Academy of Finland Research Project ”Responsible Beliefs: Why Ethics and Epistemology Need Each Other”. His recent studies and publications have examined, among other things, reflective equilibrium, the relationship between ethics and epistemology, and the role of reason and rationality in morals.

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